Does an implant cost 222€?
- On November 3, 2017
- dental, implant cost, san pedro del pinatar, smile
Every day, LG Dental receives many different patients with different stories and cases: lost teeth, repairing damaged or decayed teeth, bone regeneration with masticatory rehabilitation, etcetera.
It is quite common to be worried when the only possible treatment requires placing a dental implant, so I will explain the treatment and the elements required in this post. But first of all…
Let us start at the beginning: What is an implant?
Dental implants are titanium posts or frames, quite similar to the tooth root, whose function is to work as a “dental prosthesis”. The technical requirements and the placement process depend on the patient’s needs and, in most cases, the procedure is painless, does not require hospitalization or has no complications during recovery. In fact, according to some studies, the success rate of dental implants is over 95%.
Is it painful?
Placing a dental implant can be done under local anaesthesia in 100% of cases. This anaesthesia can control and remove any pain during the procedure, so you can just relax and forget about it.
What may happen if i don’t use an implant?
Apart from replacing a tooth satisfactorily, an implant can improve your quality of life when it is undermined by the loss of a tooth for these reasons:
- The adjacent teeth can be displaced towards the empty space.
- The upper jaw’s tooth will seek contact with its contrary dental piece. This will provoke an exposure of the dental root, alignment problems that may create “black triangles” and caries.
- Diminishing of the bone’s mass, which implies bone regeneration techniques to be able to place the implant.
- Uneven wear due to mastication – you will tend to chew using the opposite side.
For all these reasons, replacing a lost tooth with an implant is the most advisable solution.
Does an implant cost 222€?
It is quite common to find misleading advertisement on the Internet, as many franchises use them as an appeal to get attention. The trap is that this kind of franchises are only giving the amount to pay for a piece of titanium! Before calculating the cost of an implant and placing it, you should take into account a series of factors: a clinical trial (3D radiography), impressions for study models, photographs, temporary protections, etcetera. Once the study and diagnosis are completed, you should look for the best odontologist, according to his/her experience and hierarchy.