The implant is a piece of titanium that after is being placed in the bone replaces the tooth root and the function thereof. On this kind of screw you can apply different types of prostheses, from single crowns to dentures that cover the loss of several teeth. This results in a drastic improvement of the life quality of the paciente. Stopp suffering for the one of many teeth. Let us talk about your oral health: in LG Dental we have the best solution for you.

Loose dentures? Forget about them! In Dental LG we put the latest technology at your reach. In the last years, computer aided implantology has brought major benefits in terms of time, planning of the intervention and precision in procedures, in LG Dental this method has shown excellent results.

For patients with greater needs, we have the innovative All-on-4 treatment, designed to provide an effective restoration with only four implants to support fullarch prosthesis. The All-on-4 prostheses allows our patients to be able to bite harder avoiding dancing dentures in the mouth. They can only be removed with an specialist intervention, providing greater safety and patient comfort.

If you experience any of these symptoms. We will be happy to help.

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